Patient on Sex Clinic

Viewers baffled as Sex Clinic patient has to call his mum after realising he’s missing a testicle

He didn't know why he only had one ball

The Sex Clinic viewers were left gobsmacked when a patient had to call his mum after being told he only had one testicle.

Ayo, 21, was on the show to get a check-up but the doctor was quick to address the fact he only has one ball.

But when doctor Naomi asked Ayo whether him only having one nut had been investigated, Ayo said he doesn’t think so and asked whether he should be worried.

Ayo didn’t know why he only had one testicle (Credit: Channel 4)

Read more: The Sex Clinic viewers shocked as woman admits she ‘forgets’ to wash private parts

Naomi asked Ayo: “Do you examine your own testicles?” to which he replied: “I don’t really know what I’m doing so no. I have a little feel now and again, but it’s usually fine.”

After feeling his knacker, she said: “So I can only feel one testicle. Have you only ever had one testicle?”

Ayo said: “I think so.”

Naomi asked again: “You’ve only ever had one testicle?” to which Ayo replied: “I think so, yeah.”

Naomi asked Ayo whether him only having one testicle had been investigated (Credit: Channel 4)

She then asked: “Has that ever been investigated? When you were a baby?”

Ayo said: “I don’t think so. I don’t know. Should I be worried?”

Naomi replied: “It may be fine. If you’ve got one testicle though, the question is: where is the other one?”

Ayo admitted: “I’m not too sure.”

He later called his mum to ask what had happened to his other testicle.

Ayo called his mum to ask what had happened to his other testicle (Credit: Channel 4)

He said: “I’ve got a question mum. The doctor told me I’ve only got one testicle. Do you know why that is?”

His mum replied: “I think you just had one.”

Clarifying her comments, Ayo asked: “So I was just born with one testicle?” to which she said: “Yeah.”

Viewers watching from home were left utterly astonished that Ayo didn’t know what happened to his testicle.

One person said: “EHHHH someone on the sex clinic has only ever had one ball but never thought it was weird or had it checked out????”

Read more: Sex Clinic patient discovers he’s not washed penis properly in 24 years

Another wrote: “As if the boy on sex clinic didn’t know why he only has one ball.”

A third added: “There’s some lad on the Sex Clinic and the doctor said to him ‘I can only feel one testicle… have you only got one?’ and he said ‘erm I think so’ he THINKS he’s only got one.”

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Rebecca Carter
Associate Editor (News)