Shaun Wallace on The Chase

The Chase: Shaun Wallace mocks contestant as viewers in hysterics

ITV viewers were in fits

The Chase star Shaun Wallace left fans in hysterics after he mocked a contestant.

Not content with beating the contestants, The Chaser felt the need to poke fun at his latest challenger.

The Chase Shaun Wallace
Shaun poked fun at a contestant (Credit: ITV)

What happened with Shaun Wallace on The Chase?

During the latest episode of the ITV show, presenter Bradley Walsh chatted with one of the contestants.

Bryan told Bradley that he and his wife own around 400 board games.

Yes, 400!

As a result, Shaun couldn’t help but poke fun at Bryan’s confession.

“A deputy IT manager who likes board games? You make me look exciting mate,” he teased.

Bryan said: “Bit harsh!”

Fans rushed to social media to laugh at Shaun’s dry sense of humour.

One said: “Shaun!! Now that was funny #thechase.”

Read more: Beat the Chasers: Jenny Ryan hits back as viewer accuses final of being in Chasers’ favour

“Shaun’s on form #TheChase”, laughed a second viewer.

Meanwhile, a third added:  “Lol Shaun is funny #thechase.”

The Chase
Bryan took it in good spirits (Credit: ITV)

However, viewers had a different reaction recently when the tables were turned.

During a recent episode, contestant James was picked to go first, and Bradley asked which Chaser he would like.

James said he hoped to get The Dark Destroyer and explained that he thought he had the worst stats of the bunch.

However, following James’ response, Bradley sadly didn’t jump to the defence of his co-star.

Read more: Bradley Walsh: What is Beat The Chasers host worth?

The Chase star Bradley Walsh
Bradley recently poked fun at Shaun on The Chase (Credit: ITV)

What’s happened on The Chase lately?

Instead, he replied: “He loses the most often, I’ve not seen that statistic… But I have to say, too busy signing and dancing, that’s his problem.”

Fans were not happy with Bradley and contestant James poking fun at Shaun’s track record.

“Oh man, blunt as [bleep] with the reason wanting Shaun, everyone else is like ‘ooo yeah, I’d like to take on Shaun, the mastermind champ’ when in reality they know he’s [bleep]!” said one viewer.

Another said: “Slightly enraged that he insulted Shaun. No one is allowed to insult our Chasers but us.”

Meanwhile, a third added: “We all know it’s true but why he gotta do Shaun like that?”

The Chase airs on ITV weekdays at 5pm.

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