Soap Stars arrive at Lucy Fallon leaving party at Abode Hotel in Manchester. Pictured: Lucy Fallon Ref: SPL5142891 250120 NON-EXCLUSIVE Picture by: Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles: 310-821-2666 New York: 212-619-2666 London: +44 (0)20 7644 7656 Berlin: +49 175 3764 166 World Rights

Coronation Street’s Lucy Fallon reveals she’s hosting a charity ball

It's in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support

Lucy Fallon has revealed her first project since leaving Coronation Street: a charity ball fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support.

The actress, who plays Bethany Platt on the cobbles, filmed her final scenes last month, but is still on our screens for the time being.

She has now revealed that she is teaming up with boyfriend Tom Leech, and cousin Olivia to raise money for their marathon efforts.

They are doing it all in honour of Lucy’s Aunty Ann, who lost her battle with cancer in August last year.

Read more: Coronation Street’s Bethany hatches a dangerous revenge plan against Ray

Lucy posted the announcement of their Secret Garden Ball on Instagram, with a shout out to any businesses who want to get advert in their brochure.

She wrote that it “promises to be a star-studded event with some amazing performances.”

The star also revealed anyone can apply for tickets to attend the ball.

The events management company website, Entertain Today added a special message from Lucy: “In August 2019 our beautiful, incredibly strong and courageous Aunty Ann lost her battle to cancer.

“As you can imagine the past year has been immensely difficult for everyone and its been really hard to watch my family grieve over somebody that should still be with us.”

She went on to say that along with Tom and Olivia, she has decided to run the London Marathon and they are throwing this ball to raise as much money for Macmillan Cancer Support as they can.

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If someone would’ve said to me this time last year that I’d be training for the London marathon in 2020, I would’ve bloodeh laughed right in their face. But here we are… it’s 2020 and that’s exactly what I am doing. Along with my beautiful cousin, liv and my fit boyfriend tom. We. Are. Running. The. London. Marathon. And let me tell you, I’m no runner. I have never run anywhere in my life unless it’s upstairs at work to get to the canteen at lunch. And I have asthma. So as I’m writing this I’m thinking ‘what the hell am I doing’ but we are doing it. And we are doing it for our wonderful, incredibly strong and courageous, aunty Ann who sadly lost her battle to cancer in August 2019. I’m not going to go on for ages and tell you how awful cancer is, we all know that. But all I can say is, it sucks. And my heart bleeds for every single person that has had to go through/is going through something similar to my family. We are trying to turn the negative into something a bit more positive by running the 2020 London marathon for Macmillan cancer support, a charity close to our hearts. Please please please support us as much as you can, I’ve put our fundraising page in my bio and any donation is greatly appreciated!!!! SEE YOU AT THE FINISH LINE (maybe/hopefully) #annsarmy xxxx @macmillancancer @londonmarathon #teammacmillan #londonmarathon

A post shared by Lucy Fallon (@lucyfallonx) on

Lucy has been keeping fans updated with her training progress via her Instagram Stories.

The star revealed she was quitting Corrie last year, but has insisted several times that she will be back.

Bethany is currently on the verge of starting a relationship with widower Daniel Osbourne.

Daniel and Bethany are getting closer and closer (Credit: ITV)

Although it’s clear they’re both attracted to each other, Daniel only lost his wife Sinead to cancer four months ago.

He and Bethany shared a kiss while Sinead was on her death bed, but Sinead forgave her husband.

She even left him a video message for after she’d gone giving her blessing to a relationship with Bethany.

But Daniel is sure it’s too soon, and Sinead’s aunt, Beth, is fuming about their closeness.

Beth will walk in on them kissing next week and tear a strip off them both for dishonouring Sinead’s memory.

Daniel wants to make a go of things with Bethany (Credit: ITV)

Read more: Coronation Street’s Alya to ‘discover Geoff’s abused before’

Despite the fact Daniel will initially insist they cool things between them, he changes his mind later in the week and announces to a packed Rovers he and Bethany are together.

But with Lucy’s exit looming, it doesn’t look like it’ll be a happy ever after for the couple…

Coronation Street is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

Lucy’s Secret Garden Ball is on Sunday April 18 at The Midland Hotel in Manchester. 

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Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)

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