Corrie fans make clear who they want to win factory battle between Carla and Alya

Whose team are you on?

With legendary fighter Carla Connor on one side, and feisty Alya Nazir on the other, the battle for Underworld was always going to be a fierce one.

As the competition hots up in Weatherfield, fans are having their say about who they think should come out on top.

And there’s a clear winner.

The grieving Connor family or the entitled Nazir’s? (Credit: ITV)

Read more: Corrie fans left baffled after last night’s episode

The lingerie factory has been Carla’s for more than 10 years, with plenty of business partners and hiccups (alcoholic and otherwise) along the way.

However, after Aidan gave her one of his kidneys, she gifted him the factory as a ‘thank you’.

After his death by suicide, Carla was horrified when she discovered he’d left the factory to co-worker Alya in his will.

Michelle reveals the contents of Aidan’s will to a shocked Carla (Credit: ITV)

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But this is the Connor family we’re talking about, and they refuse to hand the factory over without a fight.

They believe the factory should stay in the family, and it’s a last link to Aidan.

Alya has the law on her side, though…

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned… (Credit: ITV)

Corrie viewers have been making their opinions known about who they think deserves to win the fight for Underworld – Team Alya or Team Carla?

And it’s a resounding Carla!

Well, soap fans are a loyal bunch…

One fan wrote: “Team Carla, Alya gets on my nerves.”

Another said: “Alya is just a gold digger who saw an opportunity and pounced at it without even thinking of the consequences. Hope Carla gets it back. The factory belongs to her and the family and not that fleecer.”

A third fumed: “Always #teamcarla alyas a nasty vindictive self righteous cow. Always thought shes better than she is. Despise her.”

“#TeamCarla obviously. there’s only one queen of that factory and that’s Mrs Connor,” said another.

There were a few Alya supporters, however, with one saying: “Generally I would be #TeamCarla. But what she is doing is just plain wrong and putting livelihoods at risk. So this team I am #TeamAlya all the way.”

In fact, a poll posted by a fan saw Carla get 79% of votes, compared to Alya’s 21%.

One level-headed viewer hoped the factory girls ended up owning the business, explaining: “I hope it ends up belonging to the factory girls. Alya is fast turning into Carla and has got a bit of a nasty streak.”

While most fans are Team Carla, it’s all about what the scriptwriters have decided…

And this battle is far from over!

Are you Team Carla or Team Alya?  Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think!

Helen Fear
TV Editor

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