
10 kids, £1000 a month food bill – and this mum and dad want ANOTHER baby!

They already occupy two houses...

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Louise and Clive Andrews have ten kids, and spend £1000 a month on food alone – yet claim to want to have another baby.

The Lincolnshire couple, who have three daughters and seven sons welcomed their tenth child Kegan just five months ago.

They manage to go through 15 boxes of cereal, 10 kilos of potatoes and 28 pints of milk in just one week, leading to monthly grocery bills of roughly £1000.

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“We always get through seven lots of four pinters [of milk] a week, and 10-12 loaves of bread a week if they’re at school because of all the lunch boxes,” said Louise – a freelance cleaner.

A trip out takes at least two cars, and the kids’ clothes take an entire room to store – in the families two conjoined three bedroom houses.

The family appeared on Channel 5’s Big Family Values: More Kids Than Cash and gave a glimpse inside their hectic lifestyle.

“Having 10 children is an absolute blessing,” said father, Clive. “It’s 24/7, around the clock, but I enjoy it.” The stay at home dad claims he would definitely want more.

But doctor’s have advised against Louise proceeding with another pregnancy, due to health concerns that arose ahead of Kegan’s birth.

She suffered from severe heart palpitations during her last three pregnancies, and has been advised her not to try for another baby.

“If it wasn’t for me being so poorly with Kegan, I could have 10 more right now,”Louise said.

“But, I’m not saying we never will, but I think we need to address my health conditions first, don’t we?” she added, turning to confirm this with Clive.

The family claim that they don’t need holidays for entertainment – instead budgeting for large picnics in the local park.

The kids’ upkeep runs into the £1000s, with 100s of pairs of trousers and socks – which the couple store in one of the bedrooms, using the whole room as a walk-in wardrobe.

“It’s a massive room where all the kids’ clothes go,” Louise said. “I do spend quite a bit of time in here, I’d say probably about maybe an hour every day in total because I have to iron everything.”

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The kids themselves seem divided on whether they want another sibling. “You never get lonely because there’s always people there,” 14-year-old Hallan said.

But his younger sister Frankie seemed to think they had enough: “I think we’ve got quite enough children in this house!”

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